Name Surname : Ersan ÖZ
Date of Birth : 04.09.1975
Birth Place : Manisa / TURKEY
Marital Status : Married and has 2 children
Address : Bağ başı / DENİZLİ
Phone : 0258 296 2711
Fax : 0258 296 2626
E-mail : /
Degree Program University Year
B.A. Public Finance Karadeniz Technical University 1997
M.Sc. Public Finance Karadeniz Technical University 2000
Ph.D. Public Finance Dokuz Eylül University 2004
Professional Experiences Year
Research Assistant Karadeniz Technical University, Institue of Social Sciences 1998-1999
Research Assistant Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 1999-2000
Research Assistant Dokuz Eylül University, Institue of Social Sciences (Temporary Assignment) 2000-2004
Research Assistant MABAG (Aegean Region Research Asistants of Public Finance Department) Presidency 2003-2004
Research Assistant Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Finance Department 2004-2006
Military Service General Staff of the Republic of Turkey, ATASE and DENT. SAREM, Economic Commission 2005-2006
Assistant Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Finance Department 2006
Assistant Prof. Dr. Vice President of Public Finance Department 2006-2011
Assistant Prof. Dr. President of Financial Law Department 2006-Present
Assistant Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Consultancy of Debate Society 2006-2010
Assistant Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Finance Department, ERASMUS Coordinator 2007-2010
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Finance Department 2009-Present
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Finance Department, FARABİ Coordinator 2010-Present
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Institue of Social Sciences, Coadministator 2011-2011
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University , Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty Committee Membership 2011-Present
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, College of Applied Sciences, Administator 2011-2012
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Board of Directors Membership November2011-Present
Associate Prof. Dr. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Deputy Dean December 2011-Present
Master's Degree Thesis Title and Supervisor:
Unpublished Master's Thesis
In the expansion of Turkish Tax Base, the activity of tax auditing, Black Sea Technical University-Institute of Social Sciences, Public Finance Department, Trabzon, 2000 (MBA).
Unpublished Master's Thesis.
Tax auditing and Efficiency of Turkish Tax System, Black Sea Technical University-Institute of Social Sciences, Public Finance Department, Trabzon, 2000 (MBA).
Doctoral Thesis / S. Proficiency Study / Medical Specialization Thesis Title and Supervisor:
Evaluation of Turkish Tax System According to Legality Principle of Taxation, Dokuz Eylul University-Institute of Social Sciences, Public Finance Department, İzmir, 2004.
Doctoral Thesis / Published by Gazi Publications, Ankara.
Owned Documents and Certificates.
1. Karadeniz Technical University, Akcaabat Faculty of Education, Teacher
Certificate, 1997-1998.
2.Karadeniz Technical University, School of Foreign Languages, Foreign Language Education(English), Certificate of Achievement (1997-1998)
3. National Ministry of Education Computer Operatory Certificate.
4. Chief of General Staff ATASE and DENT. SAREM Shield of Honor, Board of the Economy.
5. Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Certificate of EU Project Preparation, Training Program
1. Legality in Taxation and Turkish Tax System, Gazi Publications, Ankara, 2004.
2. Question Bank Finance Group, By Associate Professor Dr. Hüseyin ŞEN, Yargı Publications , 3.print, Ankara, 2011.
3. National and International Taxation of Foreign Trade, Nobel Publications, Adana, 2008.
4. International Taxation, By Prof. Dr. Osman PEHLİVAN, Derya Publications, Trabzon, 2011.
1. Socio-Economic Indicators in Trabzon, the World Newspaper Regional Supplement, September 17, 1999.
2. Different Approaches to Asian Crisis and the Role of the IMF, Together with Dr. Adem KALÇA
Journal of Economics and Business and Finance, November, 1999.
3. The issues of Expansion of Tax Base in Turkey, Together with Associate Professor Dr. Osman PEHLİVAN, Tax Issues Magazine, November 2000.
4. Economic Integration, the GATT and the WTO, Customs Journal, June 2001.
5. U.S. Tax System, Together with Res. Ass. Tekin AKDEMİR, Tax Issues, September 2002.
6. The Analysis of Tax Expenditures in The Turkish Reveneue Tax, İn Terms of Optimal Taxation Principles, Dokuz Eylül University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2002/I.
7. The People İn Question Ex Officio Assessment, together with Associate Professor Dr.Zeynep ARIKAN, Tax ProblemsMagazine, May 2003.
8. “Ex-Officio Shapes And Legal Dimension”, together with Associate Professor Dr.Zeynep ARIKAN, Approach Magazine, August 2003.
9. The Evaluation of indemnity of task from the Regulating Tax according to the Legality of tax. Together with Res. Asst, Abdullah Tekbaş, Tax Issues Magazine, July 2003.
10. The Position Of International Principle of Legality İn Taxation, Together with Prof. Dr. Mehmet TOSUNER, Tax World Journal, May 2004.
11. Electronic Government and Tax Management I-II, Tax Issues, April-May 2004
12. Tobin Tax Can Be A Solution for the Prevention of speculative foreign exchange movements? with Asst. Assoc. Dr. Huseyin Sen, Dr. Abdullah Keskin, Tax Problems
Magazine, July 2004.
13.Evaluation of the Turkish Income Tax, Together with Res. Asst Cemil Rakıcı, the Cement Employers Magazine (CMIS), Issue: 2004/5.
14. Ottoman Taxation From Historical Perspective, Başar Journal of Legislation, December 2004.
15. 31.12.2003 Date Non-Monetary Balance Sheet For 2004 In Case Of Sale Of Periods Cost Tax Considerations Which Values May Be Taken. Together with Chief Auditor at the Ministry of Finance İsmail IŞIK, Tax World Magazine, January 2005.
16. Restructuring Of The Turkish Financial System, With Ersin KAPLAN, Turkish Administration Magazine, April 2005.
17. Burden of Taxes in OECD Countries, (with Res. Ass. Fatih DEYNELİ), TURMOB Gift for magazine Series, TURMOB Publications, 2005.
18. Taxation Hikes Legality And Delay, Chief Accountant with Ismail IŞIK Journal of Finance, and Insurance Review, April 2005.
19. The principle of legality in Taxation and law of Budget , Journal Of Tax Problems, June 2005.
20."Plane Constitutional Principle Of Legality İn İnternational Taxation", Earth Newspaper, Post-Review Corner, 09.08.2005.
21. " Studies On Excise Duty in EU and Turkey ", (along with Mehmet ASLAN), Finance Compass Magazine, August 2005.
22. " VAT in EU Harmonization Process: Evaluation of Harmonization Studies " (along with Mehmet ASLAN), Journal of tax problems, October 2005.
23. " Act of firearms and Prevention of Weapon Terror " TİSK Client Magazine, October 2005
24. " Responsibility at VAT ", (With the Ministry of Finance Controller Omar Altar Arpacı), Lebib Yalkın Legislation Magazine, October 2005.
25. " Status of social security In Turkey and, the search for Reorganization ", Socio-Economic
Journal, Vol: 1, Issue: 2, 2005-2.
26. "Economy and Tax System in Japan", (with Research Assistant Tarık Vural), Journal of Finance, Vol. 149, 2005.
27. “Taxation of Cooperatives”, (wiht Ministry of Finance and Revenue Controller Ömer Altar Arpacı), Journal of Legislation Lebib Yalkın, April 2006.
28. “Expected Economic Crisis and Taxation in Turkey”, Journal of Tax Issues, Vol. 211, May 2006.
29. “General situation in Turkey and Foreign Trade Contribution of Sectoral Foreign Trade Companies”, (with Teaching Assistant Beytullah Yılmaz), Customs Journal, January 2007.
30. “International Transfer Pricing and Prevention Activities”, (with Associate Professor Zeynep Arıkan), Journal of Financial Compass, March 2007.
31. “2008 Approaching the Free Zones of Commerce and Taxation Regime”, (with Research Assistant Elvan Cenikli), Journal of Approach, July 2007.
32. “Profile of Tax in Turkey: An Evaluation in Terms of Denizli”, in terms of the Financial” Journal of Financial Compass, July 2007.
33. “Reconstruction and the point reached in the Turkish Revenue Administration”, (with Teaching Assistant Birol Karakurt), Political & Economic Reviews Journal of Finance, Vol: 44, Issue: 510,
34. “The Importance of Boron and Boron in Turkey”, Journal of Academy of TİSK, 2007/II,
35. “The Role of SMEs, Foreign Trade Foreign Trade Companies to boot. (with Teaching Assistant Beytullah Yılmaz), Cement Industry Employers' Association of Turkey, Journal of CEIS, November 2007,
36. “A Look At Turkey's Foreign Trade in the Perspective of Denizli”, (with Associate Professor Ekrem Karayılmazlar), EKOL, Journal of Denizli Chamber of Industry, Issue 22, September 2007,
37. “Tax Functions Constitutional Judiciary, Judicial and Fiscal Review.”, (with Assistant Professor İbrahim Organ), Journal of tax issues, in February 2008.
38. “Taxation and Principles of Taxation Constitutional Evaluation of Different States”, (with Lecturer Doctor Engin Hepaksaz), Journal of Bank Finance Political and Economic Reviews, February 2008.
9. “Discussed the benefits and costs of an Institution: Institution of Conciliation”, (with Assistant Professor Keramettin Tezcan), Gain Law Review, February 2008.
40. “Financial Liabilities with Equity Principles Regarding the Activities of Maritime Affairs in Turkey Generality and Scope of Assessment Practices and Tax Expenditures”, (with Doctor Engin Hepaksaz), Journal of tax issues, November 2009.
41. “Motor Vehicle Tax Injustice”, Denizli SMMMO Bulletin, May 2010.
42. “A New Financial Instruments: Warrants and Taxation”, (with Research Assistant Yaşar Akdağ), Journal of Approach, October, 2010.
43. “Swap Transactions and Taxation”, (with Fatih Pekşen), Journal of tax issues, Issue 265, October, 2010.
44. “A Global Concept: Tax Competition”, (with Sevinç Yaraşır), Istanbul University, Research Center Conferences Finance, Prof. Dr. Aksoy Şerafettin gift, Fifty-second Series, Year: 2009, Istanbul, 2010.
45. “Transaction-Based Taxation of the Proceeds from under the contracts”, (with Mehmet Yolcu), Journal of Tax Report, October, 2010.
46. “Expert Tax Jurisdiction”, (with Süleyman Albayrak), Turkey Journal of the Academy of Justice, TAAD, Volume: 1, Year 1, Issue: 3, October, 2010.
47. “Implementation of Tax Effect Accounting Regulations of the law is fetched”, (with Fatih Pekşen), Alanya Faculty of Business, Issue: 1, Volume: 2, 2010.
48. “Emerging Aspects of Tax Changes Metropolitan Municipality established in the provinces”, (with Mehmet Yolcu), Journal of Approach, February, 2011.
49. “Intermediate Tax Analysis and Interoperability”, (with Engin Hepaksaz and Fatih Çevikcan), Tax World Journal, February, 2011.
50. “Turkish Tax Composition: Slope Overview of Denizli”, Prof. Dr. In Memory of Ferhat ERARI ARTICLES OF ECONOMICS, PAU Publications, No: 22, Istanbul, 2011.
51. “Disguised Profit Distribution through Transfer Pricing Aspects of Disorders”, (with Fatih Çevikcan), Legislation Lebib Yalkın, Issue: 88, April, 2011.
52. “History of the Republic of tax amnesties: Tangible and Intangible erosions”, (Selçuk Buyrukoğlu), Journal of tax issues, May, 2011.
53. “Barter System and Taxation", Explorations in Taxation and Tax Policy”, (with Ahmet Güler), Editor: Prof. Dr. Mr EDİZDOĞAN, Assoc. Dr. Özhan ÇETİNKAYA, Publisher Ekin, Ontario, 2011.
54. “Implementation Aspects of Transfer Pricing in Turkey and Some Issues”, (with Fatih Pekşen), Journal of Taxman and accountant Dialogue, August 2011.
55. “Violation of the principle of legality Occasion of the Taxation Customs Goods deemed to be deficient”, (with Osman Ermumcu), Turkey Journal of the Academy of Justice, July 2011, Issue: 6, Year: 2.
56. “Taxing the Turkish Education System: A Case Study in Province, Denizli”, (with Selçuk Buyrukoğlu), Socio-Economic Review, 2011/1, 74-99.
57. “National / International Dimension, Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance and Effects of the informal economy”, (with Selçuk Buyrukoğlu and Doğan Dozdoğan), Gift Aytaç EKER and Ayşegül Eker, Dokuz Eylul University Press, Izmir, 2012, pp.329-346.
58. “For the Prevention of Double Taxation Practices in OECD and Turkey”, (with Fatih Çavdar), Journal of Tax World, July 2012, No. 371, pp.51-66.
59. “The process of collective bargaining and trade union status”, Journal of Strategic Thinking, June 2012, pp.58-62.
60. “Examples of application of the real and unreal walking back to the Turkish Tax Law and Legal Effect of the Security Policy”, (with Fatih Akçay), Journal of Tax issues, September 2012.
61. “Cancellation of Asset Cases as the Method of Protection of Public Revenue”, (with Bülent Demirtaşoğlu), Turkey Journal of the Academy of Justice, July 2012, pp.35-68.
62. “Environmental Taxes as Preventing Negative Externalities: Comparison Between Turkey and OECD Countries”, (with Selçuk Buyrukoğlu), TİSK Academy, Vol: 7 Issue: September 14, 2012.
63. “Turkish Tax System E-Finance Applications”, (with Doğan Bozdoğan), Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, pp.67-92.
64. “Economic Integration and Taxation”, (with Fatih Çavdar), Journal of Tax Report, February 2013.
65. “Effects of Anti-Dumping Duties and Applications in Turkey and the world with examples”, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, February 2013.
Completed Projects
1- The Problems of International Taxation, Project, (with Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tosuner and Assoc. Dr. Zeynep ARIKAN), DEU Project and Fund Accounting Office, December 2006.
2- Strategic Planning Based on Performance Based Budgeting Relationship Between Pre-and Post-Tax Revenues and Economic Growth, Project Manager: Ersan Öz, Project Coordinator: Özlem Tümer, 2012.
Articles translated from English into Turkish
1. Öz, E. “Post Keynezyenlerde Bütçe Eğilimleri ve Mali Normların Erozyonu (Budget Trends in the Post Keynesians and Erosion of Fiscal Norms)”, Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, Ekonomik Kriz Özel Sayısı (Economic Crisis Special Edition), Edition:41, September-October 2001.
2. Öz, E. “Globalleşme Nedir? (What is Globalization?)”, Dış Ticaret Dergisi, July 2001.
3. Öz, E. “Elektronik Ödeme ve Vergileme Yoluyla Globalleşme (Globalization in terms of Electronic Payment and Taxation)”, Vergi Sorunları Dergisi, October 2001.
4. Öz, E., Günay, A. “Çok Yıllı Bütçeleme: Uluslararası Uygulamaların İncelenmesi ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İle Geçiş Aşamasındaki Ülkeler İçin Çıkarılacak Dersler (Multi-Year Budgeting: Studying of International Practices and Take Lessons from Developing Countries and Countries in Transitional Stage)”, Maliye Dergisi, September-December 2001.
5. Öz, E. “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Vergi Reformu (Tax Reform in Developing Countries)”, Vergi Dünyası Dergisi, April 2002.
6. Öz, E. “Emlak Vergilemesi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (An Evaluation of Real Estate Taxation)”, Maliye ve Sigorta Yorumları Dergisi, May 2004.
7. Öz, E. “OECD, Vergi Rekabeti ve Vergi Reformlarının Geleceği (OECD, Tax Competition and The Future of Tax Reforms)”, Maliye Dergisi, Edition:145, 2004.
Paper Presenters and the Audience Participated in International Scientific Meetings, Conferences, Symposiums and Other Events
1. Vortragsankündigung (Conference), Am Mittwoch, den 6. Juni 2007, findet um 14.00 Uhr im Raum H-C 7324, eine deutsch-türkische Präsentation unserer Partneruniversität, Pamukkale/Denizli, stat, Im Anschluss hält Prof. Ersan Oz in türkischer Sprache einen Vortrag zum Thema, Das türkische Steuersystem (TURKISH TAX SYSTEM), Sıegen Unıversitat, Deutschland, 2007.
2. Dünya Muhasebeciler Kongresi (World Congress of Accountants), September 23-24, 2010, Ankara Sheraton Convention Center.
3. "Vergi Hukukunda Geriye Yürümezlik Esası", "Retroactivity of Tax Law", International Panel, Collaboration with Koc University, Vienna University, Salerno University, December 2, 2010, Odakule, Beyoğlu-İstanbul.
4. ''Bütçe Sürecinde Parlamentoların Değişen Rolü: İKÖPAB ve AB Üyesi Ülke Deneyimleri (Changing Role of Parliaments within Budget Process: Experiences of Member States of OIC and the EU)'', October 21-23, 2010, Sivas.
5. Rakıcı, C., Öz, E. "Yoksulluk ve asgari ücret karşılaştırması üzerine bir değerlendirme", " An Evaluatıon on the Comparison of Poverty and Minimum Wage, IX. International Congress on Knowledge, Economy & Management, Jun 23-25, 2011 Sarajevo-Bosnia&Herzegovina,, 2011.
6. Öz, E., Yıldız, S., "Sigara ve Vergileme: Mali ve Sosyal Etkiler Boyutunda Küresel Bir İnceleme”, "Cigarette and Taxation: A Global Research on the Dimension of Financial and Social Impacts, IX. International Congress on Knowledge, Economy & Management, Jun 23-25, 2011 Sarajevo-Bosnia&Herzegovina, 2011.
7. Öz, E., Ulusoy, A., EFSS’12 – EURASIAN FORUM ON SOCIAL SCIENCES, “World Economic Development Paradigm: Market and Beyond”, October 18-21, 2012, Baku / Azerbaijan.
8. Öz E., KARAOSMANOĞLU F., BARUTÇU S., Bilateral Agreement Visiting, Jan Amos Comensky University, Prague/Chech Republic, 10-12 April 2013.
Paper Presentations and Participations to National Scientific Meetings, Conferences, Symposiums and Other Events
1. T.C. Uludağ Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen 19. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu (19th Turkey Finance Symposium, organized by TR Uludag University), (Participant)
2. T.C. Pamukkale Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen 20. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu (20th The Turkey Finance Symposium organized by TR Pamukkale University), (Participant)
3. T.C. Çanakkale Onsekizmart Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen 21. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu (21st Turkey Finance Symposium, organized by TR Canakkale Onsekizmart University), (Participant)
4. T.C. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen 22. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu (22nd Turkey Finance Symposium, organized by TR Suleyman Demirel University), (Participant)
5. “Mezuniyet sonrası Elit Meslek seçimi-I (Choosing a Elit Career after Graduation-I), (Account Specialist)”, Conference, Speakers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekrem KARAYILMAZLAR, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ersan ÖZ, Mehmet DELİCE (Chief Auditor, Denizli Head of Tax Department), November 22, 2006.
6. “Mezuniyet sonrası Elit Meslek seçimi-I (Selection of an Elite Career after Graduation - I), (Account Specialist)”, Conference, Speakers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekrem KARAYILMAZLAR, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ersan ÖZ, Mehmet DELİCE (Chief Auditor, Denizli Chief of Tax Department), November 22, 2006. Türkiye’de İhracat ve Denizli Perspektifinden Bir Bakış (Export in Turkey and An Overview from the Perspective of Denizli)”, with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekrem KARAYILMAZLAR, Buldan Symposium, November 23- 24, 2006, Denizli/ Turkey.
7. I. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Ulusal Münazara Turnuvası (Pamukkale University, First National Debate Tournament), February 2007, Denizli, Regulatory, Consultant Lecturer.
8. “SRC Belgeleri Eğitmenlik Programı (SRC Documents Teaching Program)”, Seminar, Denizli Chamber of Drivers, May 12-26, 2007.
9. Hacettepe Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen 23. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu (23rd Turkey Finance Symposium, organized by Hacettepe University), (Paper Presenter)
10. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen 24. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu (24th Turkey Finance Symposium, organized by Eskisehir Osmangazi University), (Participant)
11. "Üniversitelerde Yap-İşlet-Devret Modeli (Build-Operate-Transfer Model in Universities )", Panel, Giresun Universiy,
Speakers: Asst. Assoc. Dr. Tekin AKDEMİR, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ersan ÖZ, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Yasin SEZER, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Kürşat YERLİKAYA, Secretary-General of İnönü University, Specialist in Public Procurement Authority, The State Planning Organization Expert, Council of Higher Education Expert, December 6, 2007, 10.00, Giresun.
12. "Vergide Son Gelişmelere Eleştirel Bakış (A Critical Overview of Recent Developments in the Tax)", Conference, Speaker: Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ersan ÖZ, December 7, 2007, 11.00, Giresun SMMMO, Giresun.
13. "Küreselleşme Sürecinde Fırsatlar ve Tehditler: Denizli Ekonomisi (Opportunities and Threats Through Globalization Process: Economy of Denizli)", Conference, "Dış Ticarette Denizli Performansı (Performance of Denizli Province in Foreign Trade)", with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekrem KARAYILMAZLAR, , Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Can BAKKALCI, November 16, 2007, 14.00, Denizli.
14. “Türk Vergi Sisteminin Fotoğrafı: Görmek İstemediklerimiz (Photo of Turkish Tax System: Those We Do Not Want to See)”, Year 2008 Tax Week Events Panel, 26.02.2008, 10.30, Denizli Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, Other Speakers: Mehmet DELİCE (Denizli Head of Tax Department), Necdet ÖZER (Head of DTO), Necdet YILMAZ (Denizli Head of SMMMO), Ali ARSLAN (Tax Auditor), Fatih ÇEVİKCAN (Tax Auditor) Denizli.
15. Continuing Education (Trainer) Training Seminars Program, Tax Law Group, March 13-16, 2008, TÜRMOB-TESMER, Kayseri
16. Organ, İ., Öz, E. "Türk Yüksek Öğretim Sisteminde Maliye Eğitiminin Yeri ve Sorunları (Role and Problems of Public Finance Education in Turkish Higher Education System)", 23th Finance Symposium, May 7-11, 2008, Belek/Antalya.
17. "Vergi Penceresinden Kızılcabölük (Kızılcabölük through Tax Window)", I. National Kızılcabölük Symposium ", May 28-29, 2008, Kızılcabölük-Tavas/Denizli.
18. "Bilim ve Teknoloji Parklarının Bölgesel Kalkınmaya Etkileri ve Teşvikler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Impact of Science and Technology Parks on Regional Development and Evaluation from the Perspective of Incentives)", Cukurova University Members of University-Industry Collaboration Platform (USİMP), University-Industry Collaboration National Congress, June 26-27, 2008, Adana.
19. "Türkiye'de Kamu Harcamaları-Vergi Etkileşimi: Siyasi Perspektiften Bir Değerlendirme (1983-2007) (Public Expenditure-Tax Interactions in Turkey: An Evaluation from the Political Perspective (1983-2007))", Management and Economics Conference, September 11-12, Gümüldür/İzmir, 2008.
20. "Türkiye'nin stratejik Yer Altı Kaynakları, Değerlendirme Potansiyeli ve Ulusal Güvenliğe Etkileri (Turkey's Strategic Underground Sources, Evaluation Potential and Impacts on the National Security)", 27.01.2010, Genelkurmay ATASE Başkanlığı Stratejik Araştırma ve Etüd Merkezi (SAREM).
21. "Bir Türk Vergi Sistemi Kritiği (A Critique of The Turkish Tax System)", Denizli Tax Administration 21th Tax Week Panel, 26.02.2010, Denizli Chamber of Commerce Conference Room
22. 13rd Law and Economics Forum, Member of the Scientific Committee organized by Adiyaman University, June 2010.
23. 16th Law and Economics Forum, Member of the Scientific Committee organized by Pamukkale University, October 2010.
24. 18th Law and Economics Forum, Member of the Scientific Committee organized by Suleyman Demirel University, October 2010.
25. "Incoterm 2010 ve Eori Numarası Uygulamaları (Incoterm 2010 and Eori Number Implications)", Denizli Exporters Assembly, December 27, 2011, 14.00, Denizli.
26. Dokuz Eylul University BİMER-Department of Finance Cooperation, Financial Awareness Meetings, "Uluslararası Transfer Fiyatlama ve KOBİ Standartları (International Transfer Pricing and SME Standards)", Panelists: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersan ÖZ et al., June 8, 2011, 14.00, İzmir, 2011.
27. Öz, E. "Muhteşem Yüzyılda Vergileme (Taxation in The Magnificent Century)", 22th Tax Week Panel, Denizli, February 24,2011.
28. Öz, E., Yılmaz, N., Kumaş, H., Kartaloğlu, E., TÜRMOB-DSMMMO Required Training Seminars, November 2011, Denizli..
29. Arıoğlu, O., Öz, E., Koyuncu, M., Şendiller, S., “Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun Getirdikleri (Gains of the New Turkish Commercial Code)”, DTO Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, November 2011, Denizli.
30. Öz, E., Akmaz, K. "Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nu (The New Turkish Commercial Code)", Ahi Sinan Boarding Meeting Hall, December 2011, Denizli.
31. Öz, E. "Kurumsallaşmanın Önemi ve Kurumsal Mali Mükellefiyetler Üzerine Değerlendirmeler (Importance of Institutionalization and Evaluation on Corporate Fiscal Obligations) ", Denizli Businessmen's Association, March 2012, Denizli.
32. Öz, E. "Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu Üzerine Değerlendirmeler (Evaluation on the New Turkish Commercial Code)", Afyonkarahisar Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association, April 2012, Afyon.
33. Öz, E. "Getirdikleri ve Götürdükleriyle Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu ve Yapılan Değişikliklere Bakış (The New Turkish Commercial Code by its Pros and Cons and An Overview to the Changes Done)", Tokat Turhal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, September 2012, Tokat.
34. Öz, E. "Büyükşehir Olmanın Mali Yansımaları (Financial Reflections of Being Metropolis)", Panel, DEGİAD, Şiir Otel, January 23, 2013 Denizli.
35 Öz, E. "Yerelden Küresele E-Ticaret (E-Commerce from Local to Global)", Tax Week Panel, March 14, 2013, Uşak Revenue Office, Uşak.
Courses Given (Undergraduate and Post Graduate)
Undergraduate Courses
Tax Law I- II, Turkish Tax System I- II, Fiscal Judic and Tax Applications, Comparative Tax Systems, International Commerce and Taxation (Selective), Tax Law and Tax Law Application (Selective).
Graduate Courses
Analysis of the Turkish Tax System, Tax Criminal and Jurisdiction Law, International Taxation and EU Tax Law.
Postgraduate Courses
Current Issues in Taxation, Financial System and Taxation, International Taxation.
1. Mustafa Kemal ALAŞAHİN, Analysis of University Budgets, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, September 2007.
2. Özlem ADALISOY, Development and Macroeconomic Effects of Indirect Taxation in Turkey, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, December, 2007.
3. Ozan YAĞLI, After 2000, , Evaluation in terms of Budget of Agricultural Subsidies in Turkey, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master of Science Project Finance, 2009.
4. Şengül ŞAHİN, Deviations From the Principle of Unity in Turkish Budget Implementation and Fund Applications with all Aspects, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master of Science Project Finance, Denizli, 2011.
5. Halime Esin DEMİR, The Effect of the E-Control Application on Tax Revenues in Turkey, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master of Science Project Finance, Denizli, 2011.
6. Bülent DEMİRTAŞOĞLU, Evaluation of methods the Protection of Public Sector Receivables in the case Specific the Cancellation of Savings, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, 2011.
7. Süleyman ALBAYRAK, Institution of Proof in Tax Law in the Light of the Decisions of the Judicial, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, 2011.
8. Özlem TÜMER, , Tax Revenues that pre- and post Performance Based Budgeting Based on Strategic Planning, Budget Performance and Relationship of Economic Growth, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli.
1. Harun REÇBER, Taxation of the Tourism Sector in Turkey and Selected Countries, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli.
2. Mehmet YOLCU, Efficiency Analysis of the Tax Investigations, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli.
3. Mustafa Şakir BALABAN, All Aspects of the Agreement in the Tax Procedural Law and Customs Duty Law, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli.
1. Evrim DEMİR, Effectiveness of the submission of primary service by private and public section and example of Denizli, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, 2006.
2. Oğuz OKTAR, In the business world the Military Business, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, 2007.
3. Canan Çölgeçen DOĞAN, Taxation of stocks and shares in the Turkish tax system, example of government bond and treasury bill, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, 2008.
4. Gürhan SOĞUKPINAR Socio-economic Analysis of the concept of justice in taxation: Example of Turkey, Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, 2009.
5. Hüseyin ÇAMCI, Evaluation of arrangements for sponsorship institution in the Turkish tax system, Celal Bayar University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, 2009.
6. Ferhan BERKAY, A Comparative study of financial liabilities to social security in Turkey and the European Union, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Denizli, 2009.
7. Doğan BAKIRTAŞ, Evaluation of credit in the light of financial data of small and medium-sized enterprises and effect of taxes on investment decisions, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2010.
8. M. Serdar GÜNTÜRK, Protecting the Confidentiality of private life, the light of the decisions of Turkish High Courts and the European Court of Human Rights, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2010.
9. Abdullah MURAT, Protection of private life and family life of convicts and detainees,, Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2010.
10. Emine Sıla MENGÜ, , Crises that emerged after 1980 in Turkey effects on financial markets Pamukkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2010.
1. Şaban ERTEKİN, Taxation of policy, Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Social Sciences, Izmir, 2006.
2. İrfan KALPALI, Foreign trade financial liabilities in the European Union and Evaluation in terms of Turkey , Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Social Sciences, Izmir, 2007.
3. Cemil RAKICI, Tthe role of Income Tax the regulation of the distribution of income: Example of Turkey, Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Social Sciences, Doctoral Thesis, Izmir, 2008.
4. Güneş ÇETİN, Taxpayer rights and tax voluntary compliance, Celal Bayar University, Institute of Social Sciences, Doctoral Thesis, Manisa, 2010.
5. Osman SİRKECİ, Financial incentives to small and medium size enterprises in terms of new approaches to in the micro enterprises, Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Social Sciences, Finance, PhD Program, April, 2011.
6. Serdar ÇİÇEK, Evaluation of as a comparative public load on fees in terms of Turkey and European Union, Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nurettin BİLİCİ, 2008
1. TÜRMOB-TESMER, Continuing Education (Trainer) Training Project (e-USE), the Tax Group
Education Meeting Presentation, "Constitutional and Legal Foundations of Taxation and Tax Policy", Van, 7-10 August 2008.
2. Pamukkale University, Continuing Education Centre (PAUSEM) KPSS A GROUP COORDINATOR, Finance, Group Trainer, 2007-2008-2009-2010.
3. PAUSEM Certificate Program in Foreign Trade, Foreign Trade Tax Law Instructor, 2009-2010.
4. Instructor Qualification Course Start and tax legislation in Denizli SMMMO internship,
5. Denizli Municipality, City Commission, Member (Industry Trade and Economic Commission).
6. The requested by DETKİB to be submitted to Nazım ERKEN who responsible for the economy state minister and deputy prime minister, Denizli "Textile Exporters Problems and Proposed Solutions Report ",Karayılmazlar, E.-E.Öz., 20-10-2007.
7. T.C.(Republic of Turkey) The Ministry of Education, In-service Training Department, In-service Training Courses, Trainer of Finance-Accounting-Economics Group, Erzurum, December, 2010
8. Rotterdam University, Academic visit, 24-25 November 2012, Rotterdam / Neterland
1. Journal of Socioeconomic Research and Application Center of Hacettepe University Pegem Referee Committee Member, 2006.
2. Balıkesir University, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences Journal Referee Committee Member, 2009.
3. Pamukkale University, Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences Referee Committee Member, 2009.
4. New World Academy of Science Journal Referee Committee Member, 2008 -2009.
5. Ministry of Interior, Turkish Journal of Management, Member of Board of Referees, 2009
6. Gazi University, The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal Referee Committee Member, 2010.
7. Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Journal of Management and Economics, Member of Board of Referees, 2010.
8. Abant Izzet Baysal University, Journal of Economic and Social Research, The International Journal of Economic and Social Research, Member of Board of Referees, 2009
9. T. C. General Staff, ATASE Directorate for Strategic Research and Studies Center, External Expert Group Member, 2010.
10. Referee of the METU Studies in Development Journal, 2010.
11. Cumhuriyet University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Member of Board of Referees 2011
12. Twenty-seventh Finance Symposium of Turkey , member of the Scientific Committee , 2011.
13. Fourth. Member of Scientific Committee of the National Congress of Local Economies, 2012.
Administrative Positions
1. Vice President of Public Finance Department, 2006-2011
2. President of Financial Law Department, 2006-Present
3. Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Financial Audit Committee Membership, 2009-Present
4. Public Finance Department, ERASMUS Coordinator, 2008-2009
5. Public Finance Department, FARABI Coordinator, 2010-Present
6. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences FARABI Coordinator, 2009-
7. Pamukkale University, College of Tourism, Board of Directors Membership, 2009-2012.
8. Pamukkale University, Institue of Social Sciences, Coadministator, May 2011-August 2011.
9. Pamukkale University , Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty Committee Membership, 2011- Present
10. Pamukkale University, College of Applied Sciences, Administator, August 2011-2012.
11. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Board of Directors Membership, November 2011- Present
12. Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Deputy Dean, December 2011- Present
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ersan ÖZ
Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Finance, Financial Law
The main branch of science
Tel: 0258 296 26 54
Fax: 0258 296 26 26
Technical Responsible
Born in 1988 in Denizli, they graduated from Denizli Anadolu High School in 2006 and from Dokuz Eylül University's Civil Engineering Department in 2011. They completed their master's degree in Project Management at Yıldız Technical University.
After working in Istanbul in the fields of building inspection and urban transformation, they took part in infrastructure projects in Denizli.
In 2022, they began working at the Denizli Organized Industrial Zone Directorate and currently serve as the Construction Control Manager.
Fatma Eraslan
Official Affairs Officer
Fatma Eraslan
Born on May 8, 1981, in Denizli, they completed their primary, secondary, and high school education in Denizli.
In 2004, they graduated from Süleyman Demirel University with a degree in Business Administration. In 2006, they earned a degree from Pamukkale University's Denizli Vocational School of Technical Sciences in the Textile program. In 2010, they completed their undergraduate studies in the Business Administration Faculty of Anadolu University.
They began their career at the Organized Industrial Zone Directorate in 2008 and currently serve as the Administrative Affairs Manager.
Kadriye Kesici
Media Officer
Kadriye Kesici
Born on July 26, 1981, in Nazilli, Aydın, they completed their primary and secondary education in Nazilli. In the 1997-1998 academic year, they graduated from Denizli High School.
Between 1999 and 2002, they worked in the Corporate Credit Operations Unit at EGS Bank A.Ş., Denizli Branch.
In 2002, they began working at the Denizli Organized Industrial Zone Directorate, where they currently serve as the Quality Assurance and Press and Public Relations Manager.